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Ultimate You


Health and Fitness


Yearly Savings:



5-Year Savings:



Previous Yearly Energy Costs:



New Yearly Energy Costs:



Energy Reduction Percentage:


Government Rebate Tier

100% - Covers all the costs to upgrade

Business Summary

Ultimate You Richmond is situated in an ideal location off Bridge Road. The gym boasts state of the art equipment with an emphasis on high quality personal training.

Upgrade Summary

Ultimate You Richmond utilised rebates available under the VEET scheme to revamp the lighting throughout their gym. The old fluorescent lighting was dull and inefficient. The business had a yearly lighting energy cost of over $7,000. After the LED Upgrade to the 21w Primsal LED Panel, the new energy costs measured in at $1,750 per annum. Excellent savings can be achieved through upgrading to LED lighting, but don't forget that LED lights are also brighter, more reliable and are designed with a much more modern aesthetic. Due to rebates available under the VEET Scheme, this upgrade was 100% subsidised.

Light Types & Improvements

Old Light Model

Old Light Quantity

Old Light Level

New Light Model

New Light Quantity

New Light Level

Twin Tube 36w Fluorescent Fitting


195 lux

21w Primsal LED Panel


325 lux

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