The Salvation Army
Yearly Savings:
5-Year Savings:
Previous Yearly Energy Costs:
New Yearly Energy Costs:
Energy Reduction Percentage:
Government Rebate Tier
100% - Covers all the costs to upgrade
Business Summary
The Salvation Army is a national Christian based organisation, aimed at giving hope and support to those in need. Throughout history, dating as far back as 1880, The Salvation Army has provided food and assistance to those in need. The Salvation Army has over 350 established churches across Australia, all focussed on serving the community and working towards a better future for all.
Upgrade Summary
It has been an absolute pleasure assisting The Salvation Army upgrade their lighting to new LED technologies. Our experts designed an efficient lighting system, from beginning to end, and our team of electricians implemented the upgrades over a weekend. LED panels were the feature in this upgrade and the results were astounding. The light output was increased by a huge 93%, with a reduction in energy consumption of 80%. The office staff returned on the Monday and were very pleasantly surprised with the new lighting system. We continue to work closely with The Salvation Army and hope to do so well into the future.
Light Types & Improvements
Old Light Model
Old Light Quantity
Old Light Level
New Light Model
New Light Quantity
New Light Level
Twin Tube 36w Fluorescent Fitting
162 lux
18w Primsal LED Panel